Getting Your Act Together: The Five Elements of Successful Elevator Pitching™ uses a lively and intensive coaching format to help executives identify their point, organize their material, script and deliver a compelling pitch, make a good first impression, and, most importantly, move the listener to act. The “elevator pitch” is more important than ever as the demands for potential investors’ time and attention increase. Speakers World can show entrepreneurs how to communicate effectively – to inform, persuade, convert and compel – in one minute or less.
To read, download or print a copy of The Five Elements of Successful Elevator Pitching information sheet in PDF format, click the download button below.
“We did so well that the audience rated [the presentation by Richard Ling, CEO of] Alter Ego in the top 10 of all the companies presenting [at the investors’ conference] . . . Thank you for all of your advice and flexibility.”
Mike Hulme
Corp. Communications
Alter Ego Networks